Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Author Interview #2 Deanna Martinez-Bey: The Book Adventures of Emily

 This interview by: The Book Adventures of Emily asked a few questions that I had to really think about before answering! She asked me what inspired me to write this book and which character I could relate to the most.

My favorite questions was: What does my writing environment look like? I make sure I create a special place to write because I want to look forward to that time.

Thank you, Emily for taking your time to create space for me on your blog!

Official book trailer...

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Author Spotlight (Deanna Martinez-Bey) By Indy Book Fairy

Thank you Indy Book Fairy for giving me a special Author Spotlight on your blog!

Indy Book Fairy was kind enough to spotlight me on her blog. This is my first "official" blog tour spotlight. I am truly thankful for the time she took to put together the post. The more we can help readers become aware of my work, the more chances it will have to touch lives!

When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee! By Indie Book Fairy

Official Book Trailer

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Author Interview by Freda Hansburg

I am happy to announce my first interview for the Blog Tour! Author Interview with Deanna Martinez-Bey (click this link to view the interview) 

Freda asked me a variety of questions pertaining to the book: When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee!, writing, being an author and life in general. She composed a wonderful post containing all of the information I provided for her.

Thank you, Freda!

Official book trailer...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Back Porchervations: 1st stop on the blog tour: book review

A BIG thank you to the first stop on my blog tour for: When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee!  ... Back Porchervations (Life Happens on the Back Porch)

Please take a look at her review of my book and take part in the giveaway she has going on for me on her website! You could win a digital copy of my book PLUS a $5 gift card to!

When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee! by Deanna Martinez-Bey - #review #giveaway #trailer

Official book trailer 

Book tour: When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee!

I am happy to announce that I am in the middle of my first ever Blog Tour! Five different blogs will be highlighting me and my new book!

Please take a look at the tour schedule:

Sage's Blog Tours

Book trailer: When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee!

Welcome back to my blog! Thank you for taking your time to keep up with what is happening with me! I am honored.

I am excited to announce my first book trailer! Natasha, with Emerging Edge Publishing is not only a talented publisher and editor, she is amazingly creative! She made this book trailer for my latest book.

Please take a look at it and let me know what you think...

Thursday, December 10, 2015

"With Five Questions" interview

My first interview pertaining to, When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee! was fun! The author of the article asked me 5 questions. Each interview that is conducted on the site consists of 5 questions.

The name of the site indicates just that...
With Five Questions - Conversations with creative professionals in business and the arts

Please click the following link to read my interview and learn about what inspired me to write this book...

Meet Deanna Martinez-Bey, Author

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee! Official book release

It was official in October...the new book, When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee! was released!

This new fiction from Emerging Edge Publishing house is certain to inspire readers to explore life differently... 

This press release was written and published by Digital Journal. I think they did a great job!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Book Release Today: When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee!

When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee has been officially released! In addition, I will be participating in a Blog Tour in 2 weeks! I will definitely keep you posted on the blogs that will be featuring me. 

To purchase my latest book, click here. Hard copy and digital copy are available! 

Thank you all so much for all of your support! I know there has been quite a gap in time from when my first novel was published. Life got crazy. Really crazy. But, thankfully, I have been able to find my peace...just as Janine does in my latest novel. 

I am beyond thankful for those who have stood by me and encouraged me over the years. The acknowledgement page in my new book outlines in a bit more detail some of the things I have learned since the release of my first book, Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star.  

Today is an exciting day for me! Thank you for sharing in my joy! 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Book release: November 3rd!

Well, hello all! Good news...the release of: When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee is just around the corner!
I worked closely with my publisher to get it just right for you to read. From content to cover, it is ready to go!

Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star is an Inspirational Fiction genre, but this book will simply be fiction in genre. It takes many twists and turns that make it something for everyone. Who doesn't enjoy a great story about self transformation and discovery?

Thank you for your support and interest in my work. Stay tuned for more updates! In the meantime,check me out on my website, on Amazon and on Good Reads!

You can also check out my other passion at: 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Choosing a cover for my book...

Let me begin by saying that fall is on its way and for that I am thankful! Autumn and winter are my two favorite seasons. I love cool breezes, falling leaves and pumpkin spice EVERYTHING!!

Now, back to the issue on hand...choosing a cover for my book. When Life Gives You Lemons, Drink Coffee is still on schedule for its October release. I am currently working on picking out the cover. I want something in neutral, warm tones...with a coffee house theme, of course. My publisher send me several covers to choose from and I am 90% sure I have it pinned down to one in particular...but, I think there need to be a couple of small tweaks in order for it to be just right.

It is an outside view of a quaint coffee shop. There are a couple of outside tables with a lady sitting at one, enjoying her coffee of course! The colors are shades of warm browns and deep oranges, which I like a lot.

I have completed my acknowledgement and about the author page. Oh, and I have art inserted onto the first page that was drawn by a very talented young artist who happens to be my sons best friend! I am super excited about the release of this book...can you tell?

I am hoping to schedule a couple of local book signings as well. Thank you for all of your support : )

Monday, April 13, 2015

Story and plot, YouTube, new website...a jam packed post!

Story and plot...are they the same or different?
The answer is...drum roll please....

They are...DIFFERENT!

I recently wrote an article describing the difference between story and plot. Here is a taste of what was written:

Story and plot are actually two different things when writing fiction. Here is a brief, but simple list of ways they are different. By understanding the differences, you can write a better book.
Story is emotional.
Plot is physical.
For example: story is to a character feeling sad as plot is to describe a character crying.

Simple examples of each:

Click here to read the rest of this informative article about story and plot!

One of my favorite articles is the one I wrote about Creating space to write your book at home.
I have been thinking about creating a YouTube channel to help aspiring writers. In addition to writing tips, I would also include my other loves...baking and running! (It's a good thing I have the running with all of the baking I do!)

I have recently completed my new website! It seems like it took FOREVER, but I wanted to be sure I included everything in order to make it successful.
Author: Deanna Martinez-Bey

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Update on the writing course

Some days are definitely easier than others when it comes to keeping up with my school work! Sometimes I sit at my computer and knock out a lesson or two in no time and other times it is a struggle to focus on one chapter within a lesson!

Nonetheless, it is coming along well. I am on point with my lessons. I am learning so many new tips. I have learned about story structure, plot templates, character development, viewpoint, tenses and setting so far. All of it has been interesting and helpful.

I also continue to work on my next novel, in addition to the one I have in with my publisher. There is a lot going on at my house! I'm not only an author, but a wife and mom as well. My family keeps me on my toes!

Something I am learning is that following your dreams takes a lot of hard work. A lot of late nights. A lot of support from my husband! It would be a million times harder without his support.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Is there a second draft?

Technically, yes, there is a second draft when you are writing a book, but not really. That probably sounds confusing!

Today, I wrote an article about WRITING YOUR FIRST DRAFT. I talk briefly about what the first draft is and what to do after your have written it. Here is a sample:

If you are reading this article, it means that you are a writer or want to become one. Congratulations on following your writing dreams! So many people desire to write and never get around to actually doing it.

Let’s talk about the first draft of your book. What is the first draft? It is the original manuscript. You may be thinking… Now that I have written my book it is ready to be submitted to agents and publishers. Well… hold on just a minute. 

Do you want to know what to do next? Click here...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Brushing up on my writing skills!

It is official...I am registered at a local college to continue my education with an advanced fiction writing course! It feels amazing to have the support of my husband to press forward in my writing career! I have always wanted to go back to school and finally, after all of these years it is possible. 

Sure, taking care of a teenager and a baby makes things a little harder, but it will make me work even harder to be sure I succeed. 

My husband supports me like no one ever has before. This man pushes me to do what makes me happy and encourages me to work on what I enjoy. I used to day dream about how I wanted my husband to be and then years later he popped up! It just goes to show you how powerful our thoughts truly are! 

My class starts in about 8 days and will continue for approximately 2 months. I am in the process of getting it all ironed out as far as double checking with the school to make sure I am good to go.

You can also follow me on Facebook: Author: Deanna Martinez-Bey 

Monday, March 9, 2015

How to come up with plot twisting ideas for your book...

After I share with people that I am a writer, it may shock you how often they respond to me with, "I have always wanted to write a book. I just have no idea how to begin!" 

The majority of the articles I write are about,  HOW TO WRITE A BOOK. In my latest article I talk about how to com up with story ideas and plot twists. It begins like this...

Having an initial idea for your novel is a fantastic place to start. However, keeping the reader engaged is the whole point. A novel has to start with an initial idea, but it also needs some twists and turns in order to be a success.
How do you come up with twists and turns and new story ideas?

Please click here to read the rest of my article: Writing a novel: How to come up with story ideas and plot twists

Interested in beginning your book? Here are some helpful articles to get you going...

Easy book writing tips

How to write a book: write down your ideas

Set aside time to write

Set reasonable writing goals

These articles are great to get you started. For more easy to follow articles that will help you get things going and keep things going, check out my Writing Channel!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Finishing my book: how it started one way and finished another

Well, well, well, the day has finally arrived! So many events and circumstances arose, but I have finally completed my second novel!
I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time. It seems like if it wasn't thing it was another that stood in the way of the completion. Looking back, I have to admit that the book is so much better due to everything I have gone through and overcome in the last several years!
The novel began one way and slowly morphed into something completely different than I imagined it would. And you know what? I love it!

My first novel, Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star is inspirational fiction in genre. It has a very strong thread of Christianity running through it.

This book, which will remain unnamed for now (although, I do have a title), will be in the general fiction genre. It begins with the secondary character of the the first novel as the main "Christian" character. As the book progresses, so does she. Janine goes through a major life transformation after someone she was very close to shook her to her core!

Although, still inspiring beyond belief, it is a different type of inspiration. Travel with Janine through her struggles and triumphs. I cant wait to see it published and on the shelves of all the major book stores!

I have often said...Now the hard work begins. This is true. I am searching for a new publisher. This has been known to take time. I am hoping that because I am already a published author, it will be a bit of an easier and quicker process than it was the first time.

Thank you for your support!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to know when to make changes in your book

The last couple of weeks I have had a persistent, nagging idea to make two big changes to my novel. Finally, I sat down yesterday and spent about one and a half hours making these said changes. After I made them, I felt relieved. I felt like a tremendous weight was lifted off of my mind.

I hope it will help us (myself included) listen to our minds and hearts more often. Realistically, this "listening to our mind" can apply to all areas of life! 

Ever hear a small voice almost whispering in your ear to do or not to do something? How about that gut wrenching feeling you get just seconds before you do something? We need to listen to these small voices and feelings. They can help us from making huge mistakes in our lives! 

Here is an example:
Shelly was about to get married. It was two hours before the wedding ceremony. This would be the happiest day of her life, at least she always dreamed it would be. 
Suddenly, when Sally sat down to have a bite to eat, after realizing she had gone all day without a single bite of food, she felt shaky and sick to her stomach. She began to sweat...a cold, icky, gross kind of sweat. Her palms were wet and beads of sweat were forming on her brow. 
Her father saw this transpire and noticed the sick feeling she had on her face. He asked her if she was OK. Sally responded with, "I think I have cold feet." Her father then replied. "Well, put on some slippers and warm them up!" Sally laughed it off, but she was having second thoughts about the man she was about to marry. 

About one month after the wedding, the abuse began. The man that Sally married began to physically abuse her. 
This went on for years! Finally, Sally had enough. She packed her bags and left one day when her husband was at work.

Living a much happier life now, Sally often thinks back to that day. Never mind putting on slippers to warm her feet, maybe slipping into her running shoes would have been a better choice! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Easy book writing tips

There are tons of fantastic articles out there about how to write books. This blog post is not a long winded explanation about how to write a book. Instead, I have written a brief, no frills article that contains simple book writing tips.

The article outlines "Beginning tips", "On the way tips" and " Ending tips". Here is a snip of what you will read:

Beginning Tips

Start writing an outline
(Writing an outline for your book will help you stay on track and organized through the writing process)

Make up a writing schedule
(Set aside time to write each day or at least every other day)

Pick a place to write...

Click here to read the rest of the article