Thursday, December 19, 2013

Long time no see! Still writing...

It has been over a year since I have written on this blog! So much has happened since the last time I wrote! Although life has had many changes, I still continue to write. I still write for been since 2009. Even though my circumstances have changed and I am now working full time, I still make time to write when I can.
I started writing the sequel to my first novel, Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star well over a year ago and as my life changed, my writing style changed. The first book was an Inspirational Romance Novel. The book I am currently working on, will simply fall under the genre of General Fiction.  It definitely still has a romance thread running through it, but as far as being a "Christian" novel...not so much.

There has been so much that I have come to learn over these last few years and being placed into a box as far as religion I will no longer stay. 

Being an avid coffee and hot tea drinker, I have yet again incorporated the hot beverages into my story line. Not to give away too much, but the title of the new book just MAY have something to do with coffee! :) 

My hope is to stay active with posting on this blog. My plan is to finish this book as my new years resolution...stay with me, encourage me and watch this project come into completion. 
Thank you for all of your support :)

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