Saturday, September 15, 2018

Christmas Get It Organized is now available!

Hello friends! I have good news! My new book, Christmas...Get It Organized is now available for purchase through Amazon in Kindle and paperback!

Kindle: Christmas...Get It Organized

Paperback: Christmas...Get It Organized

Here is a description of my latest book:

Do you find yourself dreading the Holiday season? Does the word Christmas make you cringe? Christmas…Get It Organized by Deanna Martinez provides easy steps to be ready for the Holiday without all the stress, crowds and expenses.
Learn easy ways to stay organized, spend less and have more time to spend with the people you love, doing the things you love.
Deanna will show you how to make lists, shop ahead of time, have parties, bake treats, create drinks, add new family traditions and much more.
Gifts do not have to be things we buy. They can be things we make or time we can give.
Put Deanna’s organizing ideas into practice this year and find yourself laughing instead of crying this Christmas.

To view and purchase other works written by me: Author: Deanna Martinez

The Publishing Process: 
I have to say that the self publishing process was not a piece of cake. The digital version was easier to publish than the paperback for sure. But, neither were particularly EASY. I'm sure as I publish more books, it will come easier.
Formatting the text was difficult and to be honest, is not exactly how I want it to look. However, after trying and trying to fix it and make my text begin at the top of the pages, I was not successful.

The cover gave me gray hairs!!! I downloaded the cover I created and it would not fit. Finally, I went into the cover creator from Amazon (that I tried to use at the beginning of the process, but to no avail) and got it to work.

Thankfully, I now have a Kindle version AND a paperback version available for your to purchase. This book is filled with easy tips and ideas to help he Holidays go smoothly. Thank you for your support!

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