Thursday, March 25, 2021

Recipes: Did you know?


Did you know that each of my fiction books end with recipes from the book? Yes, all of my books have a cooking or baking thread running through them.

For example: In Autumn's Wish, Cindy makes amazing peanut butter cookies! So, I added that recipe, among others at the end of the book.


Cindy’s Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup butter, softened

1 cup sugar

¾ cup peanut butter


 Cindy also shares her Sausage, Peppers, and Onions recipe! 

Cindy’s Sausage, Peppers and Onions

1 package of Italian sausages

1 green bell pepper

1 large onion

Chances are, if the recipe was worth mentioning in the book, it is shared with you at the end! 

Autumn's Wish book release 

The Ultimate Guide To Cookies book release  

Picture This book release 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Blog Tour for Autumn's Wish: Janine's Cool Cats and Reviews


 I am excited to share a lovely review for my latest release: Autumn's Wish. 

Autumn's Wish was previously written as Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star. I have had the privilege of working with Janine since the book was first published in 2011!

I would love for you to check out her review and her blog.

Thank you, Janine! 

Janine's Cool Cats and Reviews 

Autumn's Wish on Amazon

Friday, March 12, 2021

How Not To Die: Book review


 I gave this book 5 stars! 

It is loaded with valuable information and is written in a way to keep you connected. The author's personality shines through in the writing.

I have been following his plant-based plan for five weeks, and feel great! I lost weight without trying and the inflammation in my body has decreased significantly. I am still striving to hit all twelve points each day, but I know that when I get there, I will feel even better!

So many of us feel like crap and try different medications to help us feel better. I am more of a natural type person, so this style of healing (or masking) does not appeal to me. 

I highly recommend eating a plant-based diet and living a healthy way of life. You are worth it!

Click on the photo to read about or purchase this book. 

Autumn's Wish 

Point of View: Book review 

How To Make A  living With Your Writing: Book review

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Writers: Let's get rid of the word very


The word, “very” rarely belongs in the vocabulary of a writer. There are other creative words that can be used in its place.

The word, “very” is an overused adjective. The word is used to emphasize the word it is describing. Often times, adjectives, such as the word, “very”, can be left out of the sentence. If you are trying to say that someone is “very hungry”, take out the word “very” and your point will still come across to the reader. 
Or, substitute the word “very” and the word it is describing with another creative word (See, I could have said “more” creative word right there, but I left out the word “more” and my point still came across properly).

Let’s take a look at some substitutions:

1.Very angry / fuming

2. Very big / gigantic or huge

3. Very clean / spotless, immaculate or spick and span

4. Very cold / freezing or Very cold / icy or hard hearted

5. Very fast / immediate

6. Very fat / large

7. Very good / suitable

8. Very happy / joyful, delighted or ecstatic

9. Very hateful / repulsive

10. Very hot / broiling

11. Very hungry / famished

12. Very loving / affectionate

13. Very mean / nasty or cruel

14. Very nice / lovely

15. Very old / ancient or antiquated

16. Very pretty / beautiful or attractive

17. Very poor / underprivileged

18. Very quiet / silent or peaceful

19. Very rude / offensive

20. Very sad / miserable

21. Very silly / ridiculous

22. Very skinny / lean or malnourished

23. Very small / miniature

24. Very smart / clever

25. Very soft / spineless

26. Very sore/ excruciating, tender or painful

27. Very strong / muscular

28. Very stupid / senseless

29. Very tasty / scrumptious

30. Very tired / exhausted

31. Very ugly / horrid

 Do you write when you're not in the mood?

Write It! podcast: The place for writers 

Let's discuss outlining books

Friday, March 5, 2021

Autumn's Wish: Book release TODAY!


Today is the day!

Autumn's Wish is now LIVE on Amazon! 

This book was originally published as Twinkle, Twinkle, Christmas Star. It has been re-written to include new character names, title, and cover.

Formerly an inspirational fiction piece, it is now a contemporary fiction novel. 

Newspaper writer, Autumn, wishes on a star, seeking help to discover herself and live a life she considers worth living.

For ten years, Autumn has been writing for the same newspaper, living in the same apartment, going through the same routines, day after day.

One cold November morning, she decides that she has had enough and that change is long overdue.

New beginnings and self-transformation, with a touch of steamy romance, will have you wanting more of Autumn's Wish.

She asked. She believed. She received.

This book was previously published as, Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star.

The Ultimate Guide To Cookies 

Picture This book release

Monday, March 1, 2021

Our trip to Snowshoe, WV: Part 4, Traveling home


We truly had an amazing trip! The day did arrive when we needed to travel back home. By the time Wednesday rolled around, we were both ready.

I woke up early, as usual, made coffee and began packing things up. We wound up leaving the condo to head to the car around 9:45 am. 

We were plowed in! When the snow plow cleared the parking lot, it created a nice stack of snow and ice behind my Jeep. After several attempts, we realized there was no backing out over the pile...mainly because of the cars illegally parked behind us. The last thing we wanted was to cause an accident.

So, we went inside and asked for a shovel. Thankfully, they had one. 

My saint of a husband shoveled us out. I brought the shovel back to the front desk and retrieved my ID that I had to leave in order to borrow the shovel.

I jumped in the Jeep and we were I thought.

This guy driving a white truck was driving the wrong way through the parking lot and came within an INCH of hitting my Jeep! I had my window down and was SCREAMING at him! I said repeatedly, "You're going to hit me car!" If it wasn't for my husband slowly backing up as this jerk drove by, my Jeep would have been hit.

After many choice words that were NOT kind, at 10: 36 am, we were off. And the trip home was pleasant and rather relaxing. The views were spectacular.

And that, my friends was a 4 part recap of our vacation in Snowshoe, WV. 

Part 1: The drive

Part 2: The walk for coffee 

Part 3: The realization