Friday, January 1, 2021

2021 Resolutions Vs. Goals


At the beginning of each year, I post my "Resolutions vs. Goals" post.

Let's make 2021 the year we move forward with creating the life we truly desire.  Let's leave the past were it the past, and create for ourselves a joyful, prosperous, healthy new year! 

Resolution: A promise we make to ourselves and declare to others that we are going to make a positive change for the new year.
Goals: A plan we put into place to move forward towards a better life.

Do you see the difference? A resolution is a promise, but a goal is a plan. Let’s set goals for ourselves this year. Make a plan, write a list of steps to get you to where you want to be: financially, physically, emotionally, relationally. Set reasonable goals. Take baby steps towards your new future, your new life.
Let’s turn our dreams into reality for 2021! 

Meditate on your goals and the changes you want to make, see yourself living the life that you desire. Talk about your dreams and goals with people who will build you up and encourage you. Make your plan and work towards it each day, little by little, taking baby steps. Don't give up!

They say, "Rome wasn't built in a day". How true that is! Let's make the changes within ourselves to become the people we want to be this year. It can be done and WE are the only ones who can make it happen; join a gym, write a book, start a business, change the things we don't like about ourselves/our lives. Let's make this our year! 

If you have access to Netflix, I HIGHLY recommend you watch, The Secret. It has helped change my life and I am confident it can do the same for you! 

Author interview with GKJ Publishing

Covid-19 writing 

Podcast: Write It!

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