For many years I often thought that because I enjoyed many different things, that made me different and not normal. What is normal, anyway? That question is loaded and sounds like an entirely different blog post.
I have been thinking and have come to the conclusion that if I am not what this world considers, "normal" then I am one step ahead of the game when it comes to being happy and reaching my goals. Let me explain...
I enjoy writing, baking, cosmetology and personal training as well as being an administrative individual. I have always said, and I quote, "I don't like putting all of my eggs into one basket". I have noticed that so many people place all of their eggs into one basket when it comes to their income. Most people have one job that they depend on to pay the bills. Not me! I have three or four different avenues that bring income to our family. Know what? I love it this way!
For so many years I thought that something was wrong with me because I was not conforming to the standard, "normal" in this area. But, I am thankful now, for who I am and what I have chosen to do with my life.
Ultimately, my goal is to be a full time author. I will get there, but in the meantime I am having fun doing ALL of the things that I love.
Follow your heart and do matter what the world may have to say about it.

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